
Personal - BVB-01

Portable and cordless units provide disinfected air in taxis, restaurant tables and everywhere you go.

Office - BVB-20

A desktop air disinfection system that removes contagious viruses and other harmful substances from the air. Ideal for protection in your office, home or bedroom.

Mobile - BVB-60

A heavy duty air disinfection system on wheels. Ideal to provide protection to people’s lives in large offices, conference rooms, and lounges.

Customised Retrofits

Not every building is the same. We have customised systems that can help deal with more complex buildings and help reduce virus and VOC spread through internal systems such as air-conditioning.

Geneva Innovation Winner 2019

BVB-AH products meet the FDA IIE guidance for COVID-19 Emergency

BVB-AH series case studies

Care home

Sin Tin Toa Home for The Aged

BVB-AH units were installed in the 1400sq.m building over a period of 2 years:-

  • Infection rate reduced by 60% during the peak of influenza season
  • No more quarantine measures during the flu season


Kadoorie Estates Limited admin office

BVB-AH60 units were installed in the 400sq.m office over two floors

“A BIG thank you to the amazing air cleansing technology from the Plascide production team”

All staff enjoy breathing freely in a trusted clean-air office reducing sickness concerns, with noticeable better results in individual and team performance and productivity

“We all now feel safe not to wear masks in the office”
“Group meetings are now all back to normal”
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